Monday, August 20, 2012

Taking Time To Create

Black and White Woven Bracelet

Hello everyone! I hope your Monday is off to a good start! I decided to talk about when the best time is to sit down and create something. Well, the answer is different for everyone, but for me, I have to be diciplined and make time between household chores, volunteer jobs and the occasional visit with neighbors. Something like this woven bracelet only takes a couple of hours if you aren't interrupted by things like the tv, telephone or, in my case, my cat Boots wanting to jump in the middle of a project and "help" me! You just have to "fit it in" somewhere between all those things if you really want to get the job done. I have an advantage, having retired early, I have alot more spare time than others, but if you are serious about building a business or just want to create for the love of the craft, try to squeeze in an hour or two between the distractions of  the day! I get my inspiration from magazines like Bead and Button, videos and tutorials on sites like Favcrafts, and tips from other jewelry artists like Rena Klingenberg, who has her own website. I may get an idea from one of those sources, then I make it my own using different colors and or materials.

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